Monday, September 28, 2015

Random Black & White Landscape

Sometimes its nice to randomly start an image and look back at the finished product with some aw.

The other day my wife and I were working on a project and I put out way to much pigment on my pallet from the tube of ink. I'm usually really good about getting the right amount. My mind was in acrylic mode and I thought the paint would be thicker. a simple mistake but I made the most out of it.

This is what I turned out about an hour+ later.

I thought I would do a landscape similar to what I do in many of my pen drawings. I started with the mountains knowing I wanted to have grass and pine trees. I wanted to make sure I got all the values right so that the darkest areas were in the foreground. When I painted the sky and clouds I put a lot more water on the page and diluted the pigment.

I like the way the motion of the piece points toward the mountain in the distance. Even the grass leads the the eye in. There are some good shadows an details on some of the rocks and in the grass. In lots of my work the land seems to drop away from the foreground. Its like I unintentionally put a HUGE deep valley between the foreground and background. On this image I tried to level it out. There is still a huge amount of space between the furthest pieces of grass and the mountains but the land seems more even. Ill have to think about this concept more for future projects. On thing that helped on this project was actually putting another layer of land into that space even though in this piece its not much, just a light layer that matched everything else.

We are still working on that other project I had the ink out for originally... maybe ill "accidentally" put to much pigment out the next time to do more projects like this.